This week began my 13 week makeover. Actually, my makeover started at the beginning of this Master Keys experience by discovering and unlocking the world within. However, this week we began the Franklin makeover to focus on specific attributes/virtues. I started this week with ‘Enthusiasm’. Demonstrating enthusiasm has always been difficult for me. Since it’s one of the keys of changing the world within it’s been a focus since the beginning of MKMMA. So, when I saw it on the list of virtues; naturally, it had to be #1.
I worked remotely most of the week so, I didn’t interact much with the outside world this week making it a bit difficult, at first, to observe and become more aware of “enthusiasm” examples. I didn’t think that TV should count since most of it is acting and not authentic enthusiasm. However, I realized that even in watching shows I could still observe enthusiasm and that it could still make an impact on my being more enthusiastic. Once I released that barrier, I started seeing enthusiasm in more “real” shows like the news and my awareness increased. I was also able to see it in the little interaction I did have with people this week.
I look forward to becoming more and more aware of this and other virtues as the weeks progress. I don’t believe the we can ever master one and becoming more and more aware of our inner virtues is continuous improvement of ourselves, our world within and, hence, our world without. This upcoming week we will all be focusing together on ‘Kindness’. I anticipate this being a VERY POWERFUL week with 400+ people all focusing and becoming more aware of the kindness which surrounds us and the kindness within ourselves!
I’m excited to read my fellow MKMMAer’s blogs on their reflections from this week and seeing the insights and epiphanies that will be in the weeks to come.
We were also challenged this week to exercise more. I had already started incorporating exercise as combinations in my daily readings and flash cards. I have been doing a 30 day total body workout challenge and use my poster and flash cards to get through most of the exercises. If I have 130 squats, then I go through flash cards while squatting or when doing a 60 sec wall sit. When doing sit ups/crunches, leg lifts, push ups, dips, etc. I use “Do It Now”, “I Can Be What I Will to Be” and “I Am Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, Harmonious and Happy” to count out my reps. The last works really well because the whole phrase is 10 reps (1 rep per word) so it makes for a nice, even sequence.
Broadening awareness, developing virtues, increasing exercise…what more could one ask for in a makeover?! This is TRUELY a TOTAL body, inside and out, MAKEOVER!
I can identify with the difficulty to recognize different qualities on days you spend most of the time at home and don’t interact with others. Great idea to find it in TV shows or maybe in a film instead. Thank you for the tip.
Love it!
Thanks for the exercise tips as a way to knock off some of the MKMMA assignments. I’ll remember that next time at the gym. Nice post.
You’re welcome! I hope it works for you too!