Well, here we are. This is our final week of the Master Key Mastermind Alliance experience. This has been an AWESOME journey! I’m AMAZED at how far I’ve come since September and how much I’ve unlocked of my world within. I’m also amazed that I’ve actually been able to blog for 24 weeks! LOL
I recall my very first blog and the worry and anxiety I had over this portion of the course. This has been my first blogging experience and I must say that I have actually enjoyed it. What I’ve really enjoyed the most have been the comments and encouragements I’ve received from my fellow MKMMA family. I don’t consider myself a “motivator” or “coach” by any means and that’s not my focus/goal when I write my blogs. This particular blog was really just a means to capture some of my thoughts, experiences and feelings during this journey and process. So, when I’ve received comments stating that what I’ve written has been inspirational I’m quite humbled and at the same time proud that I was able to touch someone in that way. I’ve also been quite humbled with all of the encouragement I’ve received when I’ve written about weeks that haven’t gone so well for me. Thank you all who have made comments and/or have liked me blog! 🙂 Reading other members’ blogs has also been a WONDERFUL JOY. I, too, have been encouraged and inspired by others’ blogs
I thought I’d be sadder this week that this experience is ending. I’m not sure if it’s because this is also Holy Week in the Christian church so my week has been filled with preparations in my dance ministry for Easter as well as Mass and services that my mind hasn’t really settled on the fact that Sunday is Commencement and our final webinar. I’m going to go with the fact, however, that it’s because it IS our COMMENCEMENT; it IS our BEGINNING. Therefore, I’m NOT sad because this is NOT the end; it IS the BEGINNING! The work that I’ve done the past 24 weeks doesn’t end here; really, it begins. I have the Blue Print Builder, the 5 step Progression, methods and tools I need to manifest my PPNs and my DMP. I have the Law of Giving and know that when I give more I’ll get more. I have the 7 Laws of the Mind, the Mental Diet and the Law of Least Effort to go by keep my mind focused. I have Og, Haanel, Emerson and Wattles to refer back to for motivation and reminders. I have a mastermind alliance and I know how to form other alliances to focus together and be in harmony toward achieving whatever purpose we put our minds to doing. I have Unlocked my world within. I have let go of my banana; my old blueprint. I have drafted my new blueprint and will continue to design it as needed. This isn’t an ending process but a process of continuous improvement.
So, as I approach Sunday I am not sad. I am GRATEFUL to have been able to be part of this experience. I am AMAZED at how much I’ve learned and grown in such a short amount of time. Yes, it’s been 6 months but, really that’s very short when thinking about the fact that my old blue print has been with me 42 years and in just 6 months I’ve been able to create a new blue print! It’s not perfect; there are times when the old wants to rear its ugly head but, just the fact that I can recognize this and that I KNOW HOW to change the OBP is AMAZING! I am EXCITED to begin the next phase of my “Hero’s Journey”. As I said above, this process is continuous and we see that in the circle of the “Hero’s Journey”; it doesn’t end. There will be more to change, more adventures to accept, more abyss’ to enter and exit a better person; a better Hero; a better Observer!
I’d like to give a SUPER HUGE THANK YOU to Mark, Davene, Trish, Dave, Dayna, my guide Maria, Digital Divas and Divo and anyone else that has made Master Key Mastermind Alliance experience and EXTRAORDINARY course! I am not planning to be at the live even this year (unless something changes which is entirely possible) but, I will plan to be there one day and look forward to meeting you all as well. I will continue this experience as a lifetime member and also one day as a guide. Thank you also to my fellow MKMMA classmates and all of the sharing, masterminding, encouraging that you have provided. Thank you again my loving sister, Flo Bradley for introducing me to this course, supporting and encouraging me along the way. I’m looking forward to the webinar on Sunday and my COMMENCEMENT!
Until next time because it won’t end here…