I can’t believe that we’re at week 9 but, more than that, I can’t believe how much this experience as already affected my life in just 9 weeks! I knew that this would be a life-changer but, I guess I’m surprised to be seeing results so soon. I figured by the middle to the end of the course would be when “things” would start to happen (not knowing what those “things” would be). However, in just these 9 short weeks “things” have started happening.
What kind of things you ask? Well, I’m glad that you did. The main thing has been my overall mood and outlook on life. Reflecting every day on beginning a new life, forming good habits, greeting each day with love and invoking the Laws of Substitution, Dual Thought and Growth have made a TREMENDOUS difference on me. Prior to this course I was in a very depressed state and on the border of feeling that so many things happening in my life were dipping toward a state of hopelessness. I was wanting to remain positive but, everything around me appeared contradictory to any positivity. The worst part of it was that I felt that most of what was happening my Karma- my consequence for the choices I made….and, some of it probably was. However, that didn’t mean that I had to continue to let those choices affect how I feel today and what my future would be. Once I started this experience and began doing the exercises, I could feel my storm cloud lifting. Not much has changed yet in terms of the actual, physical situation but, because my attitude toward has changed, my outlook on it has gotten so much better. As I wrote in another post, ‘greeting each day with love’ makes it hard to be negative and get caught up in drama.
Scroll II is definitely a favorite and I know that it will be used often. Anytime I find myself faced with a negative person or situation or start to feel anxious about something, those are the words that I repeat and I immediately feel better…”I greet this day with love in my heart”! So POWERFUL! Now, this week we have another POWERFUL and AWESOME affirmation…”I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, harmonious and happy”! How WONDERFUL!
With all these tools one would think that the mental diet would be a piece of cake but, alas, we are still human and it is not. I have well at times; still not up to 7 consecutive days. I think the longest I’ve gone is 3 days without having to reset. I thought this week I was going to be able to get to 4 days but, then in preparation for Thanksgiving, my husband did something that irked me so, reset. Sigh… But, that was Monday and today is Friday so, if I have no resets for the rest of tonight, then I will have made it 4 days! WOOHOO! 🙂 I’m very proud of myself that I didn’t have to reset on Thanksgiving. Normally, there is some sort of drama that happens but, THANKFULLY, yesterday was a VERY GOOD day! I made sure to read Scroll II in the morning and again before I came down to greet our company so I had the right mindset.
The other thing that has started happening sooner than expected is that I’m really getting this…it’s sinking in. In the first couple of weeks it was hard seeing certain shapes in their colors (like the green triangles and yellow squares) but as I connected more and more that has become such an easy task now. I sometimes wonder if I’m really seeing the color/shape combo or am I making it up in my mind because I WANT to see the color combos. LOL
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I haven’t had struggles and it’s been smooth sailing. It hasn’t. I have struggled with getting my exercises done at times but, I am able to say that I do get everything done at least twice per day. It’s the first thing I do in the morning and I try to at least do my Scroll reading at night. The midday is where I struggle the most. I try to schedule it and treat it as a regular work appointment but, there are often times when my job takes overs and I get so busy that the next thing I know I’m driving home or shutting down if working from home. I find myself needing a minute to unwind and sometimes that minute results in falling asleep on the couch. LOL But, I get up and at least read Og.
Really enjoyed your post.
Greetings, thanks for sharing your Journey… It sounds great and what came to my mind when you talked about how quickly you are seeing results in your life, was what you have on your blog: UNLOCKING ME…. Just what is happening! The real you is coming out and life is grand! I am happy to meet you and am overjoyed about your journey… Believe Karen
You have inspired me. I needed uplifting so thank you.
Thanks. Your struggles are real to me and I have more than once gone through the same thing, especially at midday. You are persisting and that is the most important thing.
I am happy for you that you got all these benefits.
And I am sure you will get a lot of other good things happening in your life 🙂
Since I have started the MKMMA journey, I have had a lot of great ideas in order to acheve my DMP. I am now implementing them 🙂
Oh I can so identify with you, getting ready to read OG now, great job of expressing your feelings
thank you!