Yes, it’s 4:33 AM and I’m just doing my post (if you checked the time stamp) but, I’m determined to get it in on time. This week has been filled with getting ready for Christmas and finalizing projects at work and went very quickly. The next thing I knew it was Friday night at 2 AM; I’d just gotten home after leaving a friend’s and stopping at Toys R Us. I went to set my alarm and saw I had missed my final alum for by blog post. So, I settled in to write. Just as I started, however, my son came in from driving home from college so I went to greet him. We started talking then another son came and we all stood around the kitchen island and talked some more until I looked up at it was 4:30 AM. I finally said my goodnight and now, here I am typing my blog at 4:38 AM.
Even though I was delayed in making my post, it didn’t matter. I was fulfilling one of my DMP objectives which is to spend more time with family. I enjoy these moments with my boys when we can stand around and talk, joke, laugh. I miss those times because they are older and in college and working so these moments are rarer and I cherish every one.
I almost blew off doing my post. I’ve been consistently on time since the beginning and wondered “Will they kick me out if I miss one post being on time ?” But, then I recognized that OB trying to sneak back into my subby and trying to give me permission allowing me to “justify” procrastinating. But my new reality is gaining strength and courage to stand up to the old. So, no, I didn’t wait and allow myself to see if I’d really get kicked out if I missed one post and didn’t get it done until later on Saturday. No, I said “Do It Now!”and I’m doing it! I’m doing it and moving closer to manifesting my DMP because I’m keeping my promises.
Now, my body is taking over and my lids are getting heavy. So off I go to say goodnight to the “Gal in the Glass”. Goodnight to you too (or good morning depending how you look at it)….Until next time.
Wow good on you Tanya! part of our journey is making decisions and prioritizing and man does it get harder around this time of year, I hear ya! defaulting on family time is never a bad thing in my non-opinion, it just feels right and good!
Wonderful, You make the promise you kept it, Looks GREAT on ya. BeBlessed – Darren
No one get kicked out from MKMMA so easily 🙂 and you are doing great!