Last week ended with confirmation! I attended a women’s conference on Saturday, 10/10/15. The conference theme was impACT- Annointed, Committed, Transformed. Throughout the conference I kept having ah-ha moments and was able to link many of the concepts discussed to those being discussed in the Master Key Mastermind Alliance. For example, the themes of finding peace within and being confident in order to conquer fear and worries/fears/anxieties, etc. being only a matter of perception. The confirmation continued throughout this week.
I attended a Toastmasters speech contest on Tuesday and most of the contestants’ responses to a Table Topics question centered around focusing on within and only then can our world without change and we, ourselves, are the key to changing our lives and influencing the lives of others. When I see confirmation in the things that I do it feels great to know that I’m on the right path and this is indeed the journey I need to be on at this moment in time. Then on Thursday a friend of mine posted this on FB, “If you’re looking for that one person who can change your life, look in the mirror…” In other words, we must change our world within in order to change our world without! YES! 🙂 Having these little bits of reinforcement help in moments when this journey is difficult which I also experienced this week.
This week I found sitting extremely difficult. I was excited at the end of last week that I was able to sit and inhibit my thoughts. I focused on channeling my mental energy into my breath rather than thoughts or normal meditation mantras. However, this week, without that element, I found it very hard to sit still, not think AND relax; especially, without being able to be in a relatively relaxing position (i.e. lounging or laying down). I found myself having to reset on a couple of occasions. However, I am proud of myself that I did actually reset and I didn’t quit. Eventually, by Thursday I was able to sit, inhibit thoughts AND relax! It was such a strange feeling at first. I didn’t have the numbing sensations I would normally feel once I get toward the middle/end of the Sit. Instead, I felt somewhat cool and light. Once I realized that I was ACTUALLY relaxing those annoying little thoughts tried to resurface. But, I was able to push them aside and go back to sitting and relaxing. It was so very peaceful. The 15 minutes floated by. In retrospect, I probably should have continued sitting longer than the 15 minutes but, I ended it at that time. As I continue on this journey, I will begin to sit longer especially, if I’m in that space of total relaxation, peace and tranquility.
It was also difficult finding/looking for red circles this week. At first I was getting frustrated that I couldn’t “see” any red circles. But, again, as the week went on, I began to see more and more red circles and linking them to my DMP/POA and Chore cards.
Despite some difficulties and challenges this week though I’m still excited and encourage; probably even more so because of the confirmations I’ve been receiving. On another positive note, I liked reading the G.S. in the present tense. I felt that it resonated much more with me in doing so. I also began using the same method for the BPB and eliminating “will” and future-tense words. This made the G.S and BPB much stronger and more personal for me because it seemed more “real” being in the present as opposed to something in the future that was not “definite”.
Until next time…
The sit is the hardest, turning off the mind seems to be my challenge. I have started to incorporate what I have learnt in yoga to focus on my breathing when my thoughts start to run! Thanks for sharing!
Great post Tanya. . .
I was really touched when you said that you were able to relax and that you are getting confirmations from the Universe.
I’ll have to do my readings in present tense too… I love that idea.
Love you,
Your sis