I loved this week!
Awaking and greeting each day with love; how could I not love this week? I loved searching for pictures and putting together my movie poster.
I loved that I completed my service for this week early because I was going out of town and needed to get it done before I left. I loved going to see some friends I haven’t seen in a while this week and I’ll be visiting my sister’s new home for the first time. Greeting each day with love makes such a difference! I even enjoyed the Sit this week; the time passed so quickly; visualizing a picture helped a lot.
Yes, I had moments when I didn’t feel love and felt irritated, annoyed, etc. However, having Scroll II in my mind and heart and remembering that I need to approach the situation and everyone with love immediately made me feel better…Law of Dual Thought….Law of Substitution.
Having Scroll II this week also helped with curtailing my opinions this week. Although, I did find not expressing my opninions a little more difficult htis week. It seems as though I was asked my opinion a lot more htis week.
I was surprised that I found a compass so easily. I went to a dollar store and there was a set of compass party favors and 2 of them are 2 of our 4 colors; one being one of my PPNs!. They are rings so I’ve been wearing a plastic, yellow compass ring on my pinky all week. It’s funny watching people’s expressions to the ring. People will look at it and I see the question in their face but, they don’t ask. But, if anyone does, I’m ready to explain that I’m living by the compass and not the clock.